Notice of Annual Vestry Meeting for 2021

Dear Members of St. Mary of the Incarnation, Metchosin, BC:

Notice is hereby given that St. Mary’s of the Incarnation, Metchosin will hold its Annual Vestry Meeting on Sunday, February 28th, 2021 at 2:00 p.m. using Zoom due to COVID restrictions. The Vestry will consider the following To review and accept committee reports for 2020- To update the people of St. Mary’s on the search for a new pastor To review and approve the Parish Budget for 2021 To elect officers for Parish Council for 2021 Canon 14 states the following: “The Vestry of a Parish shall consist of all baptized persons of the age of sixteen or over who are accustomed worshipers within the Parish and whose names have been on the Membership Roll of the Parish for at least the three months preceding the Vestry Meeting, but no person shall have their name of the Membership roll of more than one Parish in this Diocese at the same time. Only those members of the Vestry who have within the preceding twelve months provided an identifiable commitment of time, talents or financial resources to the Parish or have been in receipt of the ministrations of the Parish because of illness or other incapacity shall have the right to vote at any Vestry Meeting. Any questions as to a person’s right to be on a Membership roll or to vote at any Vestry Meeting shall be determined by the Canonical Committee of the Parish.”

An electronic version of the Annual Reports and Budget will be sent through the office to everyone on the Parish email list. Printed versions of the Annual Reports and Budgets will be available the week of February 24th at the front door of the church during office hours that week (Wednesday and Thursdays 9am-1pm). We will create a virtual sign in list the day of the meeting so please make sure the meeting secretary has noted everyone on your end of the Zoom meeting who is attending.