About St Marys’ Metchosin

Our parish leadership, like most Anglican parishes, has a variety of roles. In particular we offer spiritual leadership (our rector/pastor and our deacon) as well as our lay leadership comprising a number of ministries within the parish.

Spiritual Leadership

The Rev. Dr. Lynn Mills, joined us in September 2023 and is our part-time Curate. She is with us 2 Sundays a month.

The Rev. Philip Wadham, Retired Priest is a long time resident of Metchosin and is our honourary Priest.

The Rev. Wally Eamer, Deacon, has been in the parish since January 2020, and lives in Metchosin and retired May 5 2024.

Lay Leadership

Rector's Warden/ Licensed Lay Leader: Blaine Thauberger

People’s Warden: Joel Kroeker