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This is an experiment - can people in Metchosin and greater Victoria of all spiritual paths, including aetheism, Christianity, Bahai, Islam, Buddhism, humanism, explore personal spiritual issues over supper at tables of 4 to 6 people?  Those who come should seek to broaden their understanding and experiences.  There will be exploration - not argument, and learning - not win/lose.  

Volunteers will prepare a main vegetarian dish, and meat side dish.  If some people bring a bit of dessert or side dishes, we will have enough or more to eat.  

The doors will open at 5:15 and the meal served around 6:00 p.m.  Each table decides when their discussion is complete, but the evening and basic clean up will be finished by 8:30 p.m. 

The people at each table will decide which issue/question they discuss first, and whether more than one question can be discussed that evening at their table.  Everyone will share our ideas and questions over supper with important norms: 

  • polite and compassionate with each other 
  • what is learned can be shared everywhere but who said what stays at the table 
  • two ears and one mouth remind us to listen more than we talk 

The meal and evening are free and donations to offset the cost of food and drink are also welcome!


Our first Spiritual Potluck was on Friday, September 28th.   Due to other events in October, our second Potluck is in November.